Stages of Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK)
There are many medical eye treatments used to combat visual problems and more procedures are being introduced. In the present times, one of the highly acknowledged treatments is the use of LASER. There are many laser visual correctional treatments. One of which is LASIK. LASIK is the updated version of Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK).
LASIK San Diego eye surgery aims to correct visual problems by renewing the structure of the cornea which is responsible for the refraction of light needed by the other eye parts such as pupils to see and depict images and colors. LASIK is best recommended to people suffering from myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.
Preoperative Stage
Preoperative procedure is consists of assessment or evaluation exams. The patient will need to inform the surgeon of his/her medical history, past eye problems, and current health conditions. During the preoperative stage, the surgeon explains the pros and cons of LASIK eye surgery and how fit the patient is for the operation. People with diabetes and immune-related diseases are discouraged from taking LASIK treatment; as well as those who are taking medications that can impede wound healing.
LASIK Procedure
LASIK surgeons make use of excimer laser which is a form of ultraviolet ray. In LASIK eye surgery, a thin flap is created to expose the cornea by which abnormalities are corrected. Tissues will be removed or arranged depending on how worse the eye disorder is. After restructuring the cornea, the flap is positioned back and the entire procedure is done. The surgery only takes several minutes. For more information visit our San Diego LASIK blog.
Postoperative Stage
Patients may experience minor side effects such as eye itchiness and dryness. There are very rare cases that patients suffer from permanent and worse complications but these are possible. The worst scenario is the permanent loss of vision. After the operation, patients are advised to take enough rest, have some medications prescribed by their surgeons; and they are compelled to go back to their physicians for post checkups and monitoring.