
Scary Side Effects of Laser Eye Surgery when Incorrectly Administered

Are you tempted to try laser eye surgery? Perhaps you’ve heard good stories about this procedure. Maybe a lot of people- friends, relatives, officemates, and companions told you good things about laser eye surgery and you want to give it a shot. Probably, you’re bushed wearing eyeglasses always and you feel like they’re just making you look older. Moreover, you hate wearing contacts. They’re very unpleasant in the eyes (not to mention the burden of taking them off when you’re too tired at night). While San Diego laser eye surgery can be a reliable solution to let you see clearer, you should also know the consequences of this treatment so you can come up with a smart decision of whether to undergo or not to undergo laser eye surgery.

• Dry Eyes
As a patient, you must be aware of the possible side effects that laser eye surgery may give you. The first and most common are dry eyes. Dry eyes are very discomforting. Without using eye drops, you won’t be able to tolerate the pain. Dry eyes result from damaged nerves caused by the surgery. The nerves that are usually broken are nerves that stimulate tears. What’s very terrifying with dry eyes is that it can trigger infection and lead to loss of vision permanently.

• Poor Night Vision
During the eye surgery, the doctor creates a thin flap. The flap is then lifted so the laser can penetrate within and remove unwanted tissues on the cornea. The doctor reshapes the cornea in such way that it can properly receive light. Once it has been fixed, the eyes can see more clearly. After the process, the flap is folded back. When it’s not folded correctly, chances are it will produce wrinkles or it wouldn’t hold fast on the eyes properly. This condition results to poor night vision. The wrinkles create speckles in the vision of the patient.

• Floaters
Another side effect that may arise from laser eye surgery is floaters. These are characterized by dots and blank lines in the vision of the patient after the surgery. It doesn’t cause any harm on the eyes but it can be so irritating and frustrating at the same time.

The good news is these side effects are very rare. If you choose the best San Diego laser eye surgery doctor, you can be assured that the procedure will be done correctly and you will have clearer vision in an instant!


Stages of Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK)

There are many medical eye treatments used to combat visual problems and more procedures are being introduced.  In the present times, one of the highly acknowledged treatments is the use of LASER.  There are many laser visual correctional treatments.  One of which is LASIK.  LASIK is the updated version of Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK).

LASIK San Diego eye surgery aims to correct visual problems by renewing the structure of the cornea which is responsible for the refraction of light needed by the other eye parts such as pupils to see and depict images and colors.  LASIK is best recommended to people suffering from myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.

Preoperative Stage

Preoperative procedure is consists of assessment or evaluation exams.  The patient will need to inform the surgeon of his/her medical history, past eye problems, and current health conditions.  During the preoperative stage, the surgeon explains the pros and cons of LASIK eye surgery and how fit the patient is for the operation.  People with diabetes and immune-related diseases are discouraged from taking LASIK treatment; as well as those who are taking medications that can impede wound healing.

LASIK Procedure

LASIK surgeons make use of excimer laser which is a form of ultraviolet ray.  In LASIK eye surgery, a thin flap is created to expose the cornea by which abnormalities are corrected.  Tissues will be removed or arranged depending on how worse the eye disorder is.  After restructuring the cornea, the flap is positioned back and the entire procedure is done.  The surgery only takes several minutes. For more information visit our San Diego LASIK blog.

Postoperative Stage
Patients may experience minor side effects such as eye itchiness and dryness.  There are very rare cases that patients suffer from permanent and worse complications but these are possible.  The worst scenario is the permanent loss of vision.  After the operation, patients are advised to take enough rest, have some medications prescribed by their surgeons; and they are compelled to go back to their physicians for post checkups and monitoring.


Side Effects of LASIK

Before going through any medical treatment, you want to know if it is safe or not.  You want to learn about the advantage and disadvantages of such procedure.  Of course you need to know it.  You only have one life going through any treatment may cause side effects that can give you either temporary or permanent harm.  You deserve to know the risks of every procedure that some medical practitioners may not tell you.

So you’ve heard about LASIK and how it is done.  It’s time to know what the risks are if you decide to take LASIK.

Before anything else, you need to understand that LASIK surgery San Diego is generally recognized as a safe procedure.  Nevertheless, it can lead to some complications such as:

¥    Blurred Vision which can be temporary or permanent
¥    Regression or gradual loss of eyesight
¥    Night blindness
¥    Extreme quality of vision (Extra correct vision or poor vision)
¥    Eye dryness that may become permanent as well
¥    Itchy and watery yes

According to studies, long term complications brought by LASIK surgery is only 0.50%.  Temporary side effects are prevalent but can always be treated.  Among other kinds of refractive error treatments, LASIK is generally safer.  It is also less painful and ensure quick recovery of patients.

Most of the time; side effects are caused by errors made by the surgeons.  There are cases when the flap created is injured or incorrectly cut.  On the other hand, complications may be caused by the low resistance of patients.  Patients who have very poor vision and acute refractive problems are likely to get more complications than those with uncomplicated visual disorders.

It is important that you choose only the best surgeon in San Diego Laser eye surgery.  Being prepared with the consequences is essential in deciding whether to undergo treatment or not.


How Safe is LASIK Surgery

By jumping right to this page, you must have heard about LASIK as visual correction procedure.  Also, at this point, you are trying to find out if San Diego LASIK eye surgery is safe.

How safe?  Here is the answer:

Let us begin our discussion by defining what LASIK is and how it works as a treatment.  LASIK or Laser-assisted in Situ Keratomileusis is an eye surgery procedure that uses a kind of laser called excimer.  The procedure is done by creating a flap on the eye and then shaping the cornea to achieve correct vision.  Many tissues may be removed, depending on how bad the eye sight of the patient is.  LASIK is not too painful but patients may opt to take anesthesia before the surgery.  The patient is wide awake during the operation and it only takes 6 minutes or more.

The mere fact that it uses laser makes the entire procedure safe.  LASIK is actually the improved process of PRK or photorefractive keratectomy.  It follows same process; it’s just that LASIK only necessitates a flap and not removal of epithelium done in PRK which is more painful.

According to survey, patients of LASIK eye surgery were satisfied with the process and there’s high rate of success.  LASIK patients had rapid recovery and some stopped using external lenses.

Nonetheless, LASIK can create mild to severe complications (though stern complications are very rare).  Some of the most common complications are eye dryness that if not treated may become permanent, blurry vision, and the feeling of having something stuck in your eyes.  People who have acute refractive disorders may suffer from regression after the LASIK surgery in San Diego.  Regression is the gradual loss of vision.

You need to consult only the best LASIK eye surgery doctors in San Diego.  You will go through preoperative or evaluation tests for physicians to assess whether you can proceed with the surgery or not.  Knowing what to expect in every medical treatment is highly essential. Its your health that is at stake here.


LASIK: Weighing the Benefits and Risks

LASIK is one of the most popular treatments for refractive disorders.  It makes use of laser to correct eye visions by shaping the cornea and removing tissues to achieve the right corneal form.  The cornea is the largest part of the human eye and its function is to refract light for the brain to process pictures or images of what the eyes see.  People can see and recognize images, colors, and figures in near and far distance because of cornea.  Nonetheless, there are cases that the cornea has abnormalities.  This is the common reason of refractive disorders.

LASIK is administered by licenses ophthalmologists or eye surgeons.  Not all ophthalmologists are knowledgeable on the process though.  LASIK San Diego eye surgery and Laser treatment providers are licensed to initiate such medical eye treatments.

Benefits of LASIK eye surgery

Laser visual corrections are the most effective treatment for visual impairments so far.  LASIK has earned reputation with the high rate of success and minimal side effects.  Another benefits of LASIK is that it can reduce (if not totally eliminate) dependency on external lenses.  Many treatments still need to be accompanied by eye glasses or contact lenses after the procedures unlike LASIK.

The treatment is less painful than its forerunner which is PRK or Photorefractive Keratectomy.  Many people love LASIK surgery because it is hassle free.  The surgery doesn’t look like surgery at all.  It just likes an eye checkup that lasts for several minutes.

Associated Risks

No matter how successful Laser Eye Surgery San Diego has become in repairing visual disorders, it is still a medical procedure that entails risks and consequences.  Common side effects are: eye irritation that is accompanied by itchiness, watery or dry eyes, and blurry sight.  Normally, side effects are temporary and can be treated using other methods.  Still, there are cases (though very rare) that patients suffer long-term side effects such as loss of eye vision, color blindness, and extreme eyesight (poor vision or over correctness).  Seeking for the best and highly experienced LASIK eye surgeon in San Diego will reduce the risks associated with the treatment.


Coach Loses Eye Vision During Game Accident

Luiz Salazar, a minor league manager for the Atlanta Braves lost his eye after he was struck in the face by a line drive while watching a spring training game. The general manager for the Atlanta Braves advised that unfortunately the eye care doctors were unable to save his left high due to the accident. Otherwise, Salazar is recovering from his injuries quite well.

The accident occurred when the 54-year-old Salazar was standing against the railing in the dugout during the game. One of the players for the St. Louis Cardinals fouled a ball into his direction and Salazar was unable to react in time before being hit in the face with the ball.

Due to the accident, the baseball game was put on hold for nearly 20 minutes to allow time for Salazar to be airlifted to the nearest hospital. He was treated for multiple face fractures and unfortunately doctors were unable to save his left eye due to the extent of the damage. A LASIK surgery San Diego surgeon advised that this type of trauma can be devastating to the nerves in the eye.


San Diego University Making Push to Division One

Already having built up a great reputation as one of the nations top research and science schools, UCSD is now focusing on moving their athletics to the Division I level. Do you see at the officials have taken careful consideration and hope to reach the elite level that is shared by other high-level college athletic programs.

The resolution was passed recently by the UCSD student government to push the possible move forward up from division 22 NCAA Division I. Previously, the students have been competing in division two athletics.

Although they have been considering it, UCSD does not currently have plans to add a football program. School officials have recently said they do have plans to place their 23 current sports programs into Division I by 2014 at the earliest.

This local news was written by our laser eye surgery San Diego team. We to try to keep you best informed of local news for your reading pleasure.


Keeping Open Wounds Clean Effectively

In a very an interesting study recently done at John Hopkins University, research that studies on how to keep wounds clean from infection. It was found that infection prevention may possibly depend less on using the right antibiotic and more on simply keeping the wound clean.

The study was published in the Journal pediatrics issue in which 200 children ages 6 to 18 years old were studied for infections. Each child had a skin infection which was generally from allergies, diaper rash or eczema. 137 of them were found to test positive for MRSA which is a problematic bacterium that has shown resistance to many common antibiotics on the market today.

At random, the children were then treated with clindamycin, which is an antibiotic that is shown to be effective against MRSA. after only about two or three days 97% of the children treated showed either improvement or complete healing. This shows that the choice of antibiotic proved to be a relevant. Of the nine children whose infections have not improved in the specified time frame, three were treated with clindamycin and six with cephalexin. An interesting point to note was that children under one year of age showed a significantly lower rate of improvement in a matter which antibiotic was used for them.

A LASIK San Diego doctor brought you this news to help keep you informed.


Always Plan for Doctor In Travel Arrangements

According to the Center for disease control and prevention, about 50 million Americans travel abroad each year. Many of these destinations include remote and exotic locations where the risk of contracting illness is greatly increased over that of industrialized countries.

A LASIK San Diego eye doctor who takes frequent trips advised, that before taking off to your remote destination that you take the proper steps to safeguard your health and speak with a travel medicine clinic. These are specialized clinics that help you prepare for your vacation by addressing critical health related issues and making sure you are aware of what you may encounter on your trip.

These travel medicine clinic specialists will help minimize your risk of illness by providing the proper immunitizations, medications and recommendations about the specific destination that you will be traveling to.

If you dont want to bring glasses on long trips, you may want to look into San Diego laser eye surgery doctor as a viable option.


Rates Drop for Preventable Hospitalization costs

State officials that collect data from hospitals about patience has been analyzed with hopes to get a better idea of how well specific communities are providing preventative healthcare to their patients. It is not yet known if Lasik eye surgery San Diego will be affected.

This data and reports are collected and analyzed annually and measures and compares 14 health conditions with the goal of determining how many preventable hospitalizations occur and where the efforts are being exercised to prevent hospitalizations seem to be working positively.

These numbers track patients who are admitted into hospitals and treated for medical conditions that could have been avoided had they prior received proper healthcare. Many of these conditions include things such as pediatric asthma, bacterial pneumonia, and dehydration. Lasik San Diego is likely not included.

This particular study looked at hospital admission rates between 1999 and 2008 and focused on the 14 health conditions in which earlier intervention or through outpatient care can potentially prevent the need for future hospitalization.